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Food Technology

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In Food Tech we are committed to supporting our students to broaden their horizons when it comes to eating and appreciating food. The whole scheme of work endeavours to build skills in our students that will follow them through their lives. We designed it in such a way that when students leave Langham Oaks, they are competent and confident chefs. 

The essential skills that they learn when completing this course are many and cross curricula. From year 6 we present students with lots of problem-solving activities that ask them to take control of their own learning. There are lots of opportunities for our students to learn about what makes a team, either from our group work sessions in the classroom, or through our work-based learning in the community. In Food Tech we encourage active learners and support them to build resilience when the decisions or choices they make don’t go as they planned. 


Food Tech runs on half termly units. The first half term of every school year is focussed on food hygiene and knife safety. This ensures that our students can work safely and cleanly in the kitchen. From then on, the scheme of work is broken down in to the 3 phases, Engage, Develop and Achieve. 

At Engage phase it is all about experiences. Food is an essential part of life. They will consider the role of food culturally, historically, environmentally and grow in confidence with tasting and giving feedback on dishes. Each half term they will cook different recipes, explore the links they have to a chosen half termly focus and give feedback on what they or others have cooked with support. 

At Develop phase students must build on what they have learnt previously and become more autonomous. This phase is the foundation learning needed for their GCSE or BTEC. They will be covering food science and nutrition through practical and workbook-based evidence. 

At Achieve phase our students need support to gain either the BTEC Level 1 and 2 Home Cooking Skills or the AQA GCSE food preparation and nutrition. This is a difficult and challenging time for them as they near the end of Langham Oaks and we work hard to support them with this transition. The scheme of work allows for Year 10 students to complete mock GCSE non exam assessments. This gives them the chance to build confidence in what will be expected of them in Year 11. At Year 11 we almost immediately must start on the first Non exam assessment and pretty much the whole final year is spent completing the two non-exam assessments and preparing for the exam in May or early June. 

Planned Opportunities for reading. 

Reading is a fundamental part of food technology, every student is supported to read his recipes, use the information posters to prompt them during preparation and cooking and read information to complete comprehension questions in their workbooks. We have different recipes that are age or level appropriate and if a student is struggling to access a recipe or information then the teamwork out strategies that will adapt to their needs. 



The impact of food technology is beyond academic achievement, it is a place where they can learn to share and build trust with one another. They learn that they can do things and they can do them well and can learn to lead. 

As our focus is on the development of the whole person, this presents certain challenges and kickbacks from students, but overall we believe, that through our department students leave with lifelong skills and a stronger sense of identity. 

Pupils will achieve either a BTEC, GCSE or NOCN certificate in Food Technology