Anti Bullying Card

Information About Bullying

Langham Oaks School Anti Bullying

What is Bullying

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online. (Definition of Bullying ANTI-BULLYING ALLIANCE) 


Bullying could include:

  • Physical harm, taking and damaging belongings.
  • Name calling, spreading nasty stories, excluding people.
  • Cyber-bullying: text, emails, internet abuse, videos.
  • Racial and sexual comments.

Places you can get help:

How can I report Bullying at Langham Oaks school?

  • Speak to ANY member of staff
  • Ask an adult (Parent/Carer) to contact the school
  • Ask a friend to make a report on your behalf
  • Download and complete and Anti Bullying form Download Anti Bullying Form
  • Complete the online form below

Anti Bullying Card

Anti Bullying Form