Curriculum Structure

Langham Oaks Curriculum Stages


  • Staff promote classroom as safe base.
  • Pupils feel belonging by forming secure relationships.
  • Staff reduce impact of anxiety and stress.
  • Staff get to  know their pupils, families, triggers, difficulties and identify support required
  • Staff co-regulate and emotion coach – all behaviour is communication and feelings are identified, discussed, understood and managed.
  • Pupils are taught to and begin to communicate with others effectively
  • Pupils begin to develop independence skills, learn how to stay safe, be happy and healthy.
  • First 4 lessons taught within same classroom, with same staff daily - Primary Model (Yr 6)
  • Maths, English, Science, PSHE, Topic all taught by form tutor (Yr 6)
  • At least and ideally the first 2 lessons taught within same classroom with same staff daily (Yr 7)
  • English, Maths, Wilder World Science and PSHE delivered by form tutor (Yr 7)
  • All other lessons taught by specialist staff with the support of consistent LSA.
  • Outdoor and offsite learning 1 day a week (Yr 6)
  • Outdoor learning weekly and offsite learning once a fortnight (Yr 7)
  • Opportunities to regulate and co-regulate inside and outside the classroom
  • Creative curriculum, designed to create re-engagement with the learning process, self-esteem and confidence.
  • Pupils actively participate in own learning. Learning takes place through doing. Pupils learn through experiences and reflection.
  • A constructivist approach where pupils are at the centre of learning with project work, play, exploration and enquiry-based learning at the heart.
  • Pupils also learn through repetition.
  • Each lesson will have a personal or social skill focus to build a positive concept of self and learn how to be and work with others. 


  • Pupils begin to build on key skills and knowledge previously learnt.
  • Pupils begin to secure connections between their learning across the curriculum and develop a sense of how this impacts on future.
  • Pupils start to make more secure relationships and begin to independently restore and repair relationships.
  • Pupils continue to build confidence, independence and resilience.
  • Pupils take more responsibility and engagement with their own learning.
  • Pupils will show higher levels of engagement within each subject and are able to sustain their learning for longer periods.
  • Pupils that are able will be entered for entry-level qualifications and can bank the qualification by the end of year 9.
  • Pupils will be prepared for next stage and embarking on qualifications.
  • Progress will inform the pathway each pupil will take in each subject during achieve phase (Entry level, level 1 or 2 and GCSE).
  • Staff plan to identify and begin to address missed learning from EYFS and primary stage as well as building on what has previously been learnt.
  • Pupils will remain for the majority of the week as a group and tutor group.
  • In the main subjects will be taught by subject specialist in specialist environments.
  • Pupils are challenged to expand their knowledge and understanding through questioning.
  • Pupils actively participate in own and now group learning.
  • A collaborative approach where pupils work together and with the teacher to achieve best outcome/learning.
  • Group work, real world/life examples, teacher modelling and pupils as well as teachers question to make progress in learning. This type of learning may often have a game or competitive element.
  • Each lesson will continue to  have a personal or social skill focus to build a positive concept of self and learn how to be and work with others. 



  • Offer a variety of nationally recognised qualifications at different levels in each subject to suit the needs and abilities of the pupils.
  • Pupils develop new and different relationships where pupils can independently restore and repair relationships when required.
  • Pupils show independent appropriate self regulation.
  • Pupils are tolerant, think of others, have self respect and respect of others.
  • Pupils communicate well in a variety of situations and show resilience in their learning/
  • Pupils are prepared for further education or employment.
  • Subjects will be taught by subject specialist in specialist environments.
  • Pupils will remain for the majority of the week as a group and tutor group.
  • Subjects and courses offered may extend past what is offered onsite at Langham to meet the needs and aspirations of the pupils.
  • Work experience offer for all. 
  • A strong focus on Careers throughout all subjects.
  • Each lesson will have an accreditation/qualification focus whilst still promoting inquisitive learning habits.
  • A range of teaching methods used to meet the needs of the pupils, content and qualification requirements.