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Langham Oaks School has a designated number on roll of 80 male pupils aged 10-16 with EHCPs for social, emotional and mental health issues.
The school accepts referrals only from Essex Local Education Authority, and all potential applicants for places must be processed by the Special Needs department situated at County Hall in Chelmsford. The school will, however, receive informal inquiries by email addressed to the Headteacher via
It is anticipated that pupils will have a EHC plan, and will be referred following consultation with the LA's Formal Assessment and Evaluation Service.
The policy of the school is to obtain as much relevant information as possible on the pupil, school situation and family background to determine the placement at the school, linking key personnel with initial management programmes. Accordingly following receipt of papers the following procedure is initiated:
Pupil admission will be entirely dependent on the speed with which transport can be arranged. They require a minimum of ten days notice.
The school will prefer to admit pupils with a minimum interval of two working weeks to maintain the stability of the school environment and to ensure that each new child receives individual attention. It is not therefore possible to guarantee a time between receipt of papers and admission. An approximate time can be given and this should be requested from the school at the time of the pupils application for a place.