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We aim to increase students’ skills in reading, writing and communication, supporting them to recognise and address areas of difficulty and helping them to enjoy all areas of literacy.  Our Year 6 and 7 primary model enables teachers to identify gaps in knowledge, provide differentiated support and adapt the 2014 National Curriculum to best engage and encourage our learners. In KS3, students are introduced to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts to help them learn about themselves and the wider world.  Writing tasks are designed to develop students’ ideas in imaginative and creative ways, whilst learning how to adapt language to suit audience and purpose. Students are supported to develop their speaking and listening skills so that they can confidently and respectfully discuss their ideas and opinions with others.  Our KS4 curriculum supports students to achieve OCR Entry Level and Edexcel GCSE qualifications in English so that they can communicate effectively and confidently, access the world of work and enjoy successful adult lives. 


Engage Year 6 and 7 follow a primary school model which incorporates daily literacy activities.  Lexia is used to develop phonic skills and identify any gaps in knowledge.  Students have weekly spelling and handwriting lessons and are encouraged to develop their writing ability to become fluent, confident writers. To overcome writing barriers, students will have access to keyboards and typing skills software. We encourage students to read for pleasure, choosing their own books which they record in their reading journals. Guided and reciprocal reading in small groups is used to develop understanding and comprehension. Progress in reading is tracked through Literacy Gold, Bedrock Learning reading tests and teacher assessment.  Speaking and listening skills are incorporated into all learning activities and students are encouraged to find their own voice and respect one another’s opinions. In all lessons, alternative ‘Plan B’ resources are offered to support learning and engagement.


Develop In KS3, topic-based learning allows for exploration of a wide range of texts and genres including plays, poetry and non-fiction.  Topics are linked to other subjects across the school to encourage engagement and cross curricular learning. Students develop their writing skills, adapting language to inform, advise and persuade. Students are encouraged to write imaginatively and creatively, to share and celebrate their ideas. Teachers model writing and exemplars to demonstrate what success looks like. Students are encouraged to re-draft and improve work, developing resilience and meta-cognitive strategies. Grammar is specifically taught through lessons and Bedrock Learning so that students develop their ability to craft their writing with purpose.   Where needed, students receive additional support to close gaps in phonic skills and handwriting or keyboard skills.  Weekly reading lessons focus on developing comprehension and discussion skills.  Reciprocal reading promotes individual responses to texts and independent reading skills.  Teachers model reading to improve vocabulary knowledge, fluency and pronunciation. In all lessons, alternative ‘Plan B’ tasks are offered to support learning.


Achieve In KS4 we focus on supporting students to achieve their OCR Entry Level and Edexcel GCSE English qualifications whilst offering opportunities to extend their literature knowledge and enjoyment.  Students are introduced to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet through film studies and offered further opportunities to study GCSE Literature in Years 10 and 11. Students follow a step-by-step qualification program which is adapted to suit individual needs and ability. Lessons incorporate speaking and listening activities to develop confidence, resilience and teamwork. Resources are designed to widen knowledge of the world, our community, and our well-being.  In all lessons, alternative ‘Plan B’ tasks are offered to consolidate learning.


Planned opportunities for Reading

In addition to daily reading in English lessons, the Langham Oaks Reading Journey details all the opportunities our students have to learn, develop and enjoy reading. Langham Oaks Reading Journey.docx



We aim to support our students to re-engage with learning and close the academic and social gap between them and their peers in mainstream schools. Students will be supported to achieve and celebrate success so that their confidence improves. Students will be supported to develop resilience and metacognitive skills that will help them with their next steps into the wider world of work. We aim to help them achieve relevant qualifications which will enable them to progress post 16, to broaden their life opportunities and allow them to lead successful and meaningful adult lives.